
Can a member from outside the US place an order on Costco.com?

If you have a membership from a country outside the US, you can still place an order on Costco.com as long as you have a US shipping address to use for the ...

Where can I find my membership number?

On the back of your membership card. It's a 12-digit number, and you can leave off any preceding 0s. If you have the Costco Anywhere Visa® Card ...

Terms Conditions-Registration & Account | Costco

For local members, please enter your Costco membership card number and Taiwan ID number (for foreigners, please enter your Alien Resident ...


Can I get cashback rewards from Costco Global Card even if the Costco member number is changed? Questions regarding Costco Global Card. About the application ...

About the Costco membership | FAQ

For details, please contact the Costco membership counter of the warehouse store or the Costco customer service (0570-200-800).

International Costco membership

If you have a membership from a country outside the U.S., you can still place an order on Costco.com as long as you have a U.S. shipping address ...

International Membership Question : rCostco

Costco cannot do anything to foreign memberships. We only have the ability to validate them. So, when you come to the states we will only be ...

Costco paid members worldwide 2024

At the end of 2024, there were approximately 76 million Costco paid members all over the world, an increase from the 71 million of the previous ...

Members of Costco globally by type 2024

In 2024, there were 63.7 million Costco Gold Star members all over the world, up from 58.8 million of the previous year.


IfyouhaveamembershipfromacountryoutsidetheUS,youcanstillplaceanorderonCostco.comaslongasyouhaveaUSshippingaddresstouseforthe ...,Onthebackofyourmembershipcard.It'sa12-digitnumber,andyoucanleaveoffanypreceding0s.IfyouhavetheCostcoAnywhereVisa®Card ...,Forlocalmembers,pleaseenteryourCostcomembershipcardnumberandTaiwanIDnumber(forforeigners,pleaseenteryourAlienResident ...,CanIgetcashbackrewardsf...